Everyone has their own needs. We are committed to providing optimized products for you. We produce five kinds of RAYSCAN Series...
We put everything you need for digital analysis into one product. It will save time, cost and space for you. Please...
Our innovations make a big difference in one’s life. We can return your smile. The smile will change your life. We...
We always consider to provide you with an optimized product. Choose the right product for you. They are available now for...
RAYSCAN Studio has five kinds of functions – CBCT/PANO/CEPH/Facial scan/Object scan. Please tell us what else you need. We are confident...
We always try to make things more amazing than people expect. RAYSCAN studio can be one of the proofs because it...
We have sensational and progressed RAYSCAN series. RAYSCAN Studio 5 in 1 CBCT – CT/PANO/CEPH/Object Scan/Face Scan RAYSCAN Alpha 4 in...
We are making the future. Are you ready for a new wave of change? RAYSCAN Studio brings a huge wave of...
Ray has been approved by the Korea Exchange (KRX) for listing review on 27th June 2019.
Ray will be finally listed on the KOSDAQ soon.
CEO Sangchul Lee Said “Through this listing, we will attract more talented individuals and become the first global leading health care company in Korea with sales growth in the global market.”
RAYSCAN Alpha, the well-known & trustworthy dental CBCT, has a unique feature. Its Fast Scan CT protocol makes your daily practice...